Saturday, April 10, 2010

Is All Hope Lost

Is all hope lost? I am tired of hearing these words. People are running around screaming their heads off that our country is going down the drain. But, I want you to think about this. What would our country be like if the founding fathers had this mindset. Why would have these men risked their lives for a country that was hopeless. They were waging a war against the largest military supremacy of that day. What was the goal of these men risking their lifes for a some what hopeless casue. They did thes because they had hope, that some day America would be a city on a hill for all to see. A country where anything was possible and freedom ruled.

Our country had lost this hope for a awhile but it is comming back. People are opening there eyes to the freedom we once had, and want it back badly. So do not lose hope for our country. We are a young country that is on the verge of greatness.